Who We Are ?

Bull Semen

The success in fertility is the key fact for the improvement of each business. It is crucially important to use the most convenient semen to the genetic plan of each specific farm, which should have been set carefully according to the needs and demands of the farm. Anadolu Hayvancılık serves the best genetic for them to reach their goals with high quality products.

Milk Replacers

Calves figures for the future of any farm business. Alpuro Breeding milk replacers, used after the good quality of colostrum, ensures the profitability and the sustainability of the farm and will secure that the next generations will be healthy, productive and profitable.


Colostrum is the key element for the calf to ding to life. Colostrum, consumed in a good quality and amount will provide the business to have more profitable future. Today, colostrum and milk is preserved in very good conditions with the state of art technology and Anadolu Hayvancılık supplies these Technologies to your business to provide you more success in colostrum and calf management.  

